Concussion Rehab Clinic
We have extensive experience in the assessment and rehabilitation of concussion injuries. If you are still experiencing symptoms 1-2 weeks following a concussion it is strongly recommended that you see a Neurological Physiotherapist with experience in concussion assessment and treatment.
Why is this so important?
Following concussion there are many factors that can be contributing to a delayed recovery that we can assess including:
- Specific screening questions
- Balance and coordination
- Dizziness (Vestibular function)
- Neck movement and pain (including whiplash injury)
- Headache
- Spatial awareness
- Eye movements
- Exercise tolerance testing
We work closely with other health professionals and we can refer you to Neuropsychologists for specific cognitive assessment, Optometrists and Orthoptists for assessment of vision and eye movements, Psychologists for anxiety, depression and mood changes, GPs for sleep and headache concerns and Neurologists/Neurosurgeons for comprehensive reviews if needed.
Our experience allows us to focus on a recovery pathway and provide support and advocacy to work with your family, GP, coaches, sports physiotherapists, teachers and employers to ensure an optimal rehabilitation plan. While awareness of concussion and assessments for concussion have certainly increased over recent times, many people are still left with confusion, anxiety and uncertainty about their future. This is where the team at ANR can help.
We work with both adults and children, and we are engaged in research and education into concussion rehabilitation. We also provide support to the medical team at the South Australian Cricket Association, AFL teams Crows and Port Adelaide, and SANFL teams to ensure the best care for our elite male and female athletes. More groups are gaining interest in ensuring concussion is managed to the highest standard accordingly to the best guidelines and evidence. We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of best concussion care.
Our Concussion Assessments.
Multidimensional assessments
are very comprehensive and provide individualised advice and rehabilitation to assist in the best recovery after a concussion or head knock event. We have a team ready to help. We have 14 physiotherapists at ANR, all with training in vestibular rehabilitation, and all have training in our specific concussion assessment protocol.
Comprehensive Baseline Concussion Test
provides useful information for identified athletes at sporting clubs and schools for sports and activities where there is a risk of concussion. Comprehensive Baseline concussion tests aim to assist multidimensional assessment and follow up care by providing more specific individualised information should a concussion event occur.
Quick Baseline Screenings
are now also possible through the assistance of modern technology. NeuroFlex®, is a virtual reality technology that provides quick, objective data about vestibular and ocular function which is often affected following concussion. This informs diagnosis and monitoring of recovery and helps guide our subsequent assessments and follow up care. Quick Baseline Screens enable useful data to be collected in larger groups such as schools, clubs and businesses.
The information from Quick Baseline Screens relates directly to our Multidimensional assessments following a concussion or head knock event, as well as any previous Comprehensive Baseline Concussion Tests. Therefore, we have access to detailed individualised data over time to help with diagnosis, monitoring recovery and to guide rehabilitation. The team at ANR can help interpret this information for you and use it to guide your treatment with us. We can also provide it to any other relevant health professionals involved in your care such as GPs, team doctors or physiotherapists, and school nurses.
Following a multidimensional assessment, we can assist with rehabilitation that focusses on specific domains relevant to the individual. These can include vestibular, cervical, visual, balance/posture/gait and/or specific exertional exercises. In addition, we can collaborate with other health professionals to assist with other important domains like oculomotor function, sleep, cognitive functioning, mood and migraine. ANR which began in 2006, has extensive clinical experience in rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury, concussion, peripheral and central vestibular disorders, migraine, and whiplash. This means we have the knowledge and skills to interpret assessment findings and implement best practice.
We also provide training and support for physiotherapists, medical practitioners, exercise physiologists and sports trainers. We can provide education to schools, clubs, parents, and health services about the latest in concussion management and rehabilitation. We have been involved in post-graduate education for both university and professional development courses for over 17 years. Our new site Advanced Neuro Education allows more health professionals to access our educational material and attend both online and face to face
ANR staff are engaged in clinical research into concussion, brain injury and other neurological & vestibular disorders. Seven staff at ANR have completed or are completing a post-graduate master’s degree in Neurological Physiotherapy which involves clinical research. In addition, our Director Associate Professor James McLoughlin remains engaged in several ongoing research projects.
If you require any further information about our concussion service, education or research please contact either
Clinical Lead Physiotherapist, Liz Jemson-Ledger [email protected],au
Or our Director, Dr James McLoughlin [email protected]
Comprehensive Baseline Concussion Testing
at Advanced Neuro Rehab
Comprehensive Baseline concussion tests (CBCT) are a combination of questions as well as a series of physical tests that assess domains and functions that are often affected following a concussion. Establishing a baseline in these domains, allows us to gather information about factors that could lead to a prolonged recovery, identify and optimise areas that may be relevant to your sport/work and to give us a comparator in the case you do sustain a concussion. The most effective baseline tests are those that include many areas of function that can be interpreted by health professionals with experience in brain injury & concussion.
These are some of the areas included in the ANR CBCT program;
- Medical/ Concussion History
- Comprehensive Neck Assessment
- Vestibular – Oculomotor Assessment (eye & head movements)
- Reaction time & spatial awareness
- Static, dynamic and dual task balance
Baseline testing also provides an opportunity for education and awareness about concussion management and best care from the experts. It’s best to be well informed when it come to brain health!
Can I have a CBCT if I have already had a concussion?
Absolutely- as long as you’re not currently recovering from one. BCT are especially recommended if you do have a
history of concussion as you could have an increased risk of subsequent concussions or prolonged recovery.
How long does a CBCT take?
We allow 1 hour to complete a comprehensive assessment as well as putting our data into a document you can
have for future reference.
Can I claim this assessment on my private health fund?
Depending on what extras cover you have, this assessment classifies as a specialised physiotherapy consultation so
you can call your private health and enquiry about cover for a PT582.