Henry Davis
B.App.Sc Physio
Henry is a motivated and passionate physio who graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the University of South Australia in 2014. While studying, he undertook a rehabilitation placement at the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit at Hampstead, which gave him experience working with conditions such as stroke and brain injury. This placement sparked an interest for Henry in the area of neurological physio.
Following graduation, Henry began working in private practice, developing a solid foundation of clinical skills in assessment and treatment of a wide variety of conditions. The experience Henry gained treating people with chronic pain, headache and neck problems, and lower back pain, among other things, has provided him with a useful framework for the management of neurological conditions. These skills have had significant carryover into things such as gait and balance retraining, improving mobility deficits and functional strength.
Since joining ANR in early 2021, Henry has developed a keen interest in the treatment of dizziness (including BPPV and cervicogenic dizziness), balance disorders and vestibular rehabilitation. He also enjoys applying his skills of functional rehabilitation in conditions such as stroke and Parkinson’s Disease, and treating the musculoskeletal disorders that so often accompany neurological conditions.
Henry is excited to be part of the team at ANR and has a strong desire to help people build confidence in themselves and to make progress towards their goals.
Outside of working as a physio, Henry enjoys bushwalking with his wife, playing various sports, and being involved in his local church community, including singing and playing in the band.